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Gilles Villeneuve - Canada


# Driver League Time Position Tyre Platform Input
1 Crackle104 Spin Racing League 01:02.946 1 XBOX
2 SuparMaxMax Spin Racing League 01:03.111 2 XBOX
3 HaasHaasHaasHaasSuperHaas Spin Racing League 01:03.835 3 XBOX
4 SebastianMickF1 Spin Racing League 01:03.839 4 XBOX
5 RussellForMercedes Spin Racing League 01:03.972 5 XBOX
6 OconGP2021 Spin Racing League 01:04.027 6 XBOX
7 BOJOFC Spin Racing League 01:04.421 7 XBOX
8 Moozespin9 Spin Racing League 01:04.473 11 XBOX
9 MonzaCurbsAreDeadly Spin Racing League 01:04.746 8 XBOX
10 TheFingerLicker Spin Racing League 01:04.984 12 XBOX
11 IntermeidiateTyresSuck Spin Racing League 01:05.573 13 XBOX
12 Mute V3RL. 01:06.860 3 PC
13 J. Mertens Sparkles worlds racing league - S2 T1 01:07.511 1 PC
14 Jesper SxS Season 5 01:07.530 1 PC
15 J. Larsen Sparkles worlds racing league - S2 T1 01:07.563 2 PC
16 M. Muller Sparkles worlds racing league - S2 T1 01:07.572 3 PC
17 Verdex Poda Racing League 1 01:07.612 1 PC
18 G. Morales Sparkles worlds racing league - S2 T1 01:07.630 4 PC
19 A. Garcia Sparkles worlds racing league - S2 T1 01:07.668 5 PC
20 R. Laren Sparkles worlds racing league - S2 T1 01:07.693 6 PC
21 Vikstarcurrymuncher Spin Racing League 01:07.735 14 XBOX
22 BigAL99 Almost Clean Racing League (Season 3) 01:07.743 1 PC
23 N. Schipper Sparkles worlds racing league - S2 T1 01:07.758 7 PC
24 B. Koster Sparkles worlds racing league - S2 T1 01:07.782 8 PC
25 MrManu Poda Racing League 1 01:07.819 2 PC
26 L. Verbeek Sparkles worlds racing league - S2 T1 01:07.856 9 PC
27 mubMUB Poda Racing League 1 01:07.873 3 PC
28 Mikcow Almost Clean Racing League (Season 3) 01:07.877 2 PC
29 Julien_bub Poda Racing League 1 01:07.938 4 PC
30 M. Muñoz Sparkles worlds racing league - S2 T1 01:07.976 11 PC
31 L. Ramirez Sparkles worlds racing league - S2 T1 01:08.002 12 PC
32 F. Van Tromen Sparkles worlds racing league - S2 T1 01:08.032 10 PC
33 Stvbdkd Racing League International 01:08.079 1 PC
34 Trin Almost Clean Racing League (Season 3) 01:08.116 3 PC
35 SchusterCrafter Poda Racing League 1 01:08.120 5 PC
36 Lippify Poda Racing League 1 01:08.123 6 PC
37 G. Gonzalez Sparkles worlds racing league - S2 T1 01:08.124 13 PC
38 psycho SxS Season 5 01:08.147 2 PC
39 Cello Almost Clean Racing League (Season 3) 01:08.223 4 PC
40 Pit Poda Racing League 1 01:08.231 7 PC
41 SilverArrow Almost Clean Racing League (Season 3) 01:08.236 5 PC
42 Jontti SxS Season 5 01:08.255 3 PC
43 T. Schiltz Sparkles worlds racing league - S2 T1 01:08.266 14 PC
44 Bica SxS Season 5 01:08.275 4 PC
45 S. Lambert Sparkles worlds racing league - S2 T1 01:08.279 15 PC
46 nico Poda Racing League 1 01:08.312 11 PC
47 iBase Poda Racing League 1 01:08.318 12 PC
48 M. Verheijen Sparkles worlds racing league - S2 T1 01:08.340 16 PC
49 Gavin Almost Clean Racing League (Season 3) 01:08.345 6 PC
50 ERT_Samba OFF THE LINE RACING | Season 1 | Division 2 | 01:08.347 1 PS4

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