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Guide for Leagues on RacingHub


First thing to do is get an account with RacingHub this is easily doable by clicking on the "Register" button on the top right of the screen

Fill out all the fields during registration.


Login to your account by clicking on the Login button in the top right of the screen.

Create League or Tier

Leagues and tiers are treated similiary on RacingHub since technically they are seperate.

All the fields are required and must be filled.

My League

By clicking on "My Leagues" you will see all the leagues you have created using your account.

Click on the logo of one of the leagues or tiers to open the league view and its standings

League Management

Once you have opened the standings view and you are logged into your account you will see a "League Managment" button

When viewing standings you can click on drivers and teams to view individual season results.

In the calendar table the Open Video opens the video link in a new tab.
The Management button opens the Race Manager (Only available to owner), Results shows results view

Once in the League Management view click on Race Calendar to add your league races

Driver Management button will allow you to update basic driver info and penalty points.

Race Calendar

Add Race to Calendar

To be able to add results you must first add a race to the calendar

Choose a track from the track list and assign a date and time for the race otherwise you will not be able to add the race to the calendar

You may provide a twitch link to your race in the link which can be changed later on to a race replay or highlights link.

Add Driver

Adding drivers is as simple as clicking "Add Driver" in the League Managment page

Reserve drivers will only score points for the constructor they have been assigned for a certain race.

Reserve drivers will not score points in driver standings, but their overall score will show but will be highlighted at the bottom of the standings

Race Management

To get into Race Management you can do so in the League Page

Qualifying results are optional but Race results must be added in order to make standings available

Add Result

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